Generated 8 years ago
No features
In order to review cucumber reports
Fred, a cucumber user
Wants to have cucumber reports in HTML

Before <1ms + Show Info
Tests INFO will print here.
To attach INFO to Any steps, use scenario.attach function in your step definitions as shown below.

If you pass HTML's to scenario.attach then reporter will format accordingly

Simple String : scenario.attach('sample data')
Pretty JSON : scenario.attach(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2))
HTML Link : scenario.attach('format the link with html-a tag'

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber step with 2 seconds timeout 2s 3ms

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report <1ms

John & Bob wants to run cucumber scenarios
- expects to have HTML reports

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario on behalf of "John"

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report

John & Bob wants to run cucumber scenarios
- expects to have HTML reports

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario on behalf of "Bob"

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred attaches the "test data to be printed" to the Given step of passing cucumber scenario <1ms + Show Info
test data to be printed
{ "name": "cucumber-html-reporter", "format": "html" }

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report with test-data <1ms

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario with the below content <1ms
In order to see Doc String in the HTML report
As a Cucumber User,
I want to print below Doc String

  Hey, I am a Doc string

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report <1ms

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing scenario for the following data set 2ms
id name id name id name id name id name id name id name
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report with data-table <1ms

In order to review cucumber reports
Fred, a cucumber user
Wants to have cucumber reports in HTML

Before <1ms + Show Info
Tests INFO will print here.
To attach INFO to Any steps, use scenario.attach function in your step definitions as shown below.

If you pass HTML's to scenario.attach then reporter will format accordingly

Simple String : scenario.attach('sample data')
Pretty JSON : scenario.attach(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2))
HTML Link : scenario.attach('format the link with html-a tag'

When this feature runs with background <1ms

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report <1ms

John & Bob wants to run cucumber scenarios
- expects to have HTML reports

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario on behalf of "John"

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report

John & Bob wants to run cucumber scenarios
- expects to have HTML reports

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario on behalf of "Bob"

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred attaches the "test data to be printed" to the Given step of passing cucumber scenario <1ms + Show Info
test data to be printed
{ "name": "cucumber-html-reporter", "format": "html" }

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report with test-data <1ms

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario with the below content <1ms
In order to see Doc String in the HTML report
As a Cucumber User,
I want to print below Doc String

  Hey, I am a Doc string

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report <1ms

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing scenario for the following data set <1ms
id name id name id name id name id name id name id name
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report with data-table <1ms

In order to review cucumber reports
Fred, a cucumber user
Wants to have cucumber reports in HTML

Before <1ms + Show Info
Tests INFO will print here.
To attach INFO to Any steps, use scenario.attach function in your step definitions as shown below.

If you pass HTML's to scenario.attach then reporter will format accordingly

Simple String : scenario.attach('sample data')
Pretty JSON : scenario.attach(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2))
HTML Link : scenario.attach('format the link with html-a tag'

When this feature runs with background <1ms

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report <1ms

John & Bob wants to run cucumber scenarios
- expects to have HTML reports

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario on behalf of "John"

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report

John & Bob wants to run cucumber scenarios
- expects to have HTML reports

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario on behalf of "Bob"

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred attaches the "test data to be printed" to the Given step of passing cucumber scenario <1ms + Show Info
test data to be printed
{ "name": "cucumber-html-reporter", "format": "html" }

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report with test-data <1ms

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing cucumber scenario with the below content <1ms
In order to see Doc String in the HTML report
As a Cucumber User,
I want to print below Doc String

  Hey, I am a Doc string

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report <1ms

When this feature runs with background <1ms

Given Fred runs a passing scenario for the following data set <1ms
id name id name id name id name id name id name id name
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B
1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A 1 data-A
2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B 2 data-B

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report with data-table <1ms

Given Fred runs a failing cucumber scenario <1ms

When he provides cucumber JSON file to reporter <1ms

And a failing scenario captures a screenshot 1ms Screenshot +

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report with Screenshot <1ms

Given Fred runs a cucumber scenario <1ms

When he left this step as a pending

Then cucumber-html-reporter should report pending step with code-snippets in HTML report

Given Fred runs a cucumber scenario <1ms

When he left this step as a undefined
this.Then(/^he left this step as a undefined$/, function(callback) {
  // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
  callback(null, 'pending');

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create undefined step in HTML report
this.Then(/^cucumber-html-reporter should create undefined step in HTML report$/, function(callback) {
  // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
  callback(null, 'pending');

Given Fred runs a cucumber scenario <1ms

When he left this step to be ambiguous <1ms

Then cucumber-html-reporter should create HTML report with ambiguous steps <1ms